3. I get a rush when I make a purchase, but I “crash” soon afterwards.
(my answer: True, I always drive away thinking "I shouldn't have done that.")
4. I have closets full of clothes that I have never worn, and countless gadgets that I have never used.
(my answer: Partially true, I don't have lots of clothes not worn, but do have a lot of stuff that I don't use, or plan on using but have lost before I have used.)
5. I often feel reckless and out of control when I shop.
(my answer: A little bit)
6. I lie to my friends and family about how much money I spend.
(my answer: Did you see that I named this blog "Confessions of An ANONYMOUS Shopaholic.")
7. Even though I feel very distraught about my debt, I still shop.
(my answer: true- I do feel distraught about debt and yet still I shop.)
8. I feel emotionally upset and disturbed by my own shopping habits.
(my answer: Just a bit, yep, that is why I needed a place to vent)
9. After a big shopping trip, I sometimes feel disoriented and depressed.
(my answer: Not quite disoriented but just a feeling like I said of "what the heck did I do that for.")
10. My shopping has caused problems in my personal relationships in one way or another.
(my answer: somewhat true, my husband has commented a time or two on my spending habits.)
Did you answer “True” for four or more of the above statements? If so, it is possible that you have a real problem with compulsive shopping.
(why yes I did answer "True" for four or more of the above statements.)
So there you have it.... My name is "Anne" and I AM a Shop-A-Holic.
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